Source code for arcesetc.util

from json import load
from difflib import get_close_matches
import os
import numpy as np
import h5py
import astropy.units as u

__all__ = ['available_sptypes', 'signal_to_noise_to_exp_time',

directory = os.path.dirname(__file__)

sptypes = load(open(os.path.join(directory, 'data', 'sptype_dict.json'), 'r'))
archive = h5py.File(os.path.join(directory, 'data', 'archive.hdf5'), 'r')

sptype_to_temp = load(open(os.path.join(directory, 'data',
                                        'sptype_to_temp.json'), 'r'))
spectral_types = [key for key in sptype_to_temp.keys() if key in sptypes]
temps = np.array([sptype_to_temp[key] for key in spectral_types
                  if key in sptype_to_temp])

def closest_sptype(sptype):
    Return closest spectral type in the archive.
    If ``sptype`` is a dwarf star of spectral class V and
    the exact spectral type is not present in the archive,
    return the star with the closest spectral type to the 
    input spectral type. 

    sptype : str
        Spectral type in the format: ``G2V``.

    closest_spectral_type : str
        Closest spectral type available in the archive.
    if sptype in sptypes:
        return sptype
    elif len(sptype) == 3 and sptype.endswith("V"):
        return spectral_types[np.argmin(np.abs(sptype_to_temp[sptype] - temps))]
        raise ValueError("We don't have a match to this spectral type. The "
                         "nearest ones we have on hand are: {0}"
                         .format(get_close_matches(sptype, available_sptypes())))

def closest_target(sptype):
    Return target with the closest spectral type in the archive.

    sptype : str
        Spectral type in the format: ``G2V``.

    target_name : str
        Name of the target closest to spectral type ``sptype``.
    closest_spectral_type : str
        Closest spectral type available in the archive.
    closest_spectral_type = closest_sptype(sptype)
    return sptypes[closest_spectral_type], closest_spectral_type

[docs]def available_sptypes(): """ Return a list of available spectral types in the archive. Returns ------- sptypes : list List of available spectral types. """ return sorted(sptypes.keys())
def get_closest_order(matrix, wavelength): """ Return the spectral order index closest to wavelength ``wavelength``. Parameters ---------- matrix : `~np.ndarray` Matrix of blaze function curves from the archive. wavelength : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Wavelength of interest. Returns ------- closest_order : int Closest spectral order to wavelength ``wavelength``. """ return np.argmin(np.abs(matrix[:, 0] - def matrix_row_to_spectrum(matrix, closest_order): """ Given a ``matrix`` from the archive and a spectral order index ``closest_order``, return the spectrum (wavelength and flux). Parameters ---------- matrix : `~np.ndarray` Matrix of blaze function curves from the archive. closest_order : int Closest spectral order to wavelength ``wavelength``. Returns ------- wave : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Wavelengths. flux : `~np.ndarray` Fluxes in counts per second at each wavelength. """ lam_0, delta_lam, n_lam = matrix[closest_order][:3] polynomial_coeffs = matrix[closest_order][3:] wave = np.arange(lam_0 - n_lam*delta_lam/2, lam_0 + n_lam*delta_lam/2, delta_lam) flux = np.polyval(polynomial_coeffs, wave-lam_0) return wave * u.Angstrom, flux def scale_flux(dataset, V): """ Parameters ---------- dataset : `~h5py.File.dataset` h5py dataset of the form ``archive[target]``. V : float V magnitude of the target of interest. """ template_vmag = dataset.attrs['V'][0] magnitude_scaling = 10**(0.4 * (template_vmag - V)) return magnitude_scaling def sn_to_exp_time(wave, flux, wavelength, signal_to_noise): """ Calculate the required exposure time to achieve signal-to-noise ratio ``signal_to_noise`` given the count rates ``flux`` as a function of wavelength ``wave``. Parameters ---------- wave : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Wavelengths. flux : `~np.ndarray` Flux in counts per second. wavelength : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Wavelength of interest at which the S/N is ``signal_to_noise``. signal_to_noise : float Desired signal-to-noise. Returns ------- exp_time : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Exposure time that will yield signal-to-noise ``signal_to_noise`` at wavelength ``wavelength``. """ # `flux` at the test wavelength flux_0 = flux[np.argmin(np.abs(wave - wavelength))] exp_time = signal_to_noise**2 / flux_0 return exp_time * u.s
[docs]@u.quantity_input(exp_time=u.s, wavelength=u.Angstrom) def reconstruct_order(sptype, wavelength, V, exp_time=None, signal_to_noise=None): """ Return the counts as a function of wavelength for the spectral order nearest to ``wavelength`` for a star of spectral type ``sptype`` and V magnitude ``V``. Either ``exp_time`` or ``signal_to_noise`` should be supplied to the function (but not both). .. warning :: ``arcesetc`` doesn't know anything about saturation. Ye be warned! Parameters ---------- sptype : str Spectral type of the star. wavelength : `~astropy.units.Quantity` V : float V magnitude of the target. exp_time : None or float If ``exp_time`` is a float, show the counts curve for that exposure time. Otherwise, use ``signal_to_noise`` to compute the appropriate exposure time. signal_to_noise : None or float If ``signal_to_noise`` is a float, compute the appropriate exposure time to generate the counts curve that has S/N = ``signal_to_noise`` at wavelength ``wavelength``. Otherwise, generate counts curve for exposure time ``exp_time``. Returns ------- wave : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Wavelengths. flux : `~np.ndarray` Flux at each wavelength. exp_time : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Exposure time input; or required to reach S/N of ``signal_to_noise``. """ target, closest_spectral_type = closest_target(sptype) matrix = archive[target][:] closest_order = get_closest_order(matrix, wavelength) wave, flux = matrix_row_to_spectrum(matrix, closest_order) flux *= scale_flux(archive[target], V) if exp_time is not None and signal_to_noise is None: flux *= elif exp_time is None and signal_to_noise is not None: exp_time = sn_to_exp_time(wave, flux, wavelength, signal_to_noise) flux *= exp_time.value else: raise ValueError("Supply either the `exp_time` or the " "`signal_to_noise` keyword argument.") return wave, flux, closest_spectral_type, exp_time
[docs]@u.quantity_input(exp_time=u.s, wavelength=u.Angstrom) def signal_to_noise_to_exp_time(sptype, wavelength, V, signal_to_noise): """ Compute the exposure time required to collect signal-to-noise ratio ``signal_to_noise`` at wavelength ``wavelength`` for a star of spectral type ``sptype`` and V magnitude ``V``. .. warning :: ``arcesetc`` doesn't know anything about saturation. Ye be warned! Parameters ---------- sptype : str Spectral type of the star. wavelength : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Wavelength of interest. V : float V magnitude of the target. signal_to_noise : float If ``signal_to_noise`` is a float, compute the appropriate exposure time to generate the S/N curve that has S/N = ``signal_to_noise`` at wavelength ``wavelength``. Otherwise, generate S/N curve for exposure time ``exp_time``. Returns ------- exp_time : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Exposure time input, or computed to achieve S/N ratio ``signal_to_noise`` at wavelength ``wavelength``. Examples -------- How many seconds must one expose ARCES on a V=12 mag M0V star to get a S/N of 30 at the wavelength of H-alpha? >>> from arcesetc import signal_to_noise_to_exp_time >>> import astropy.units as u >>> sptype = 'M0V' >>> wavelength = 6562 * u.Angstrom >>> signal_to_noise = 30 >>> V = 12 >>> print(signal_to_noise_to_exp_time(sptype, wavelength, V, signal_to_noise)) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP 642.11444 s """ target, closest_spectral_type = closest_target(sptype) matrix = archive[target][:] closest_order = get_closest_order(matrix, wavelength) wave, flux = matrix_row_to_spectrum(matrix, closest_order) flux *= scale_flux(archive[target], V) exp_time = sn_to_exp_time(wave, flux, wavelength, signal_to_noise) return exp_time